Commercial Property Underwriting & Analysis
All properties are unique. There value is based on many factors including…
- Type
- Location
- Size
- Tenant(s)
- Quality
- Competition/Supply
- Tenant Demand
- Operating costs
- Capital Markets & Financing
- Local, Regional, National and Global markets factors
- Buyer/Investor/User Demand – Local, 1031, Private Equity, Owner/Operator, Family Office or Institutional Investor
The challenge many owners and brokers face is the analysis and packaging of these factors to tell a professional-compelling story to ideal targeted buyers/investors that gets good deal done.
We help property owners understand the value of their property to the market by providing Valuation Analysis Packages that include the following helping our clients think through scenarios based on their objectives.
- Property diligence
- Property description
- Operating, improvement and maintenance history that details
- Location characteristic differentiators and discounting factors
- Property characteristic differentiators and discounting factors
- Rent roll analysis
- Tenant mix, lease term analysis and re-tenanting exposure
- Tenant operating, financial strength and securitization underwriting analysis
- Tenant to property/location dependencies and risks
- Financial analysis
- P&L analysis and cashflow scenarios based on improvements, lease adjustments, and operating cost changes
- Yield analysis based on the ideal buyers and how these map to their waterfall objectives
- Financing analysis to identify and analyze lenders and their rates
- Market competition analysis
- Existing & planned competitive inventory supply
- Market rental rates, concessions and expenses
- Tenant demand for the product (absorption)
- Capital market analysis:
- Who are the ideal buyers for a property and why
- Who are not ideal buyers for the a property and why
Client Experience
